Creating and Managing Product Attributes in WooCommerce

Managing product attributes in WooCommerce effectively can help you categorize and filter products in your online store. Whether you’re selling clothes, electronics, or any other items, product attributes make it easier for your customers to find what they’re looking for. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the steps to create and manage product attributes in WooCommerce.

What are Product Attributes?

Product attributes are characteristics that help describe your products. For instance, if you’re selling t-shirts, attributes could include size, color, and material. Attributes allow customers to filter and compare products efficiently, enhancing their shopping experience.

Steps to Create Product Attributes in WooCommerce

Step 1: Navigate to Product Attributes

First, log in to your WordPress dashboard. Navigate to Products and then select Attributes.

Step 2: Add a New Attribute

To add a new attribute, enter a name for the attribute (e.g., “Size”) and a slug (optional). Then click the Add attribute button. The new attribute will appear in the table on the right side of the screen.

Step 3: Configure Terms for the Attribute

After creating the attribute, you need to add terms (values) to it. Click on the Configure terms link beside the attribute. On the next screen, add the different values associated with this attribute (e.g., Small, Medium, Large for “Size”).

Assigning Attributes to Products

Step 1: Edit a Product

Go to Products and click on any product you want to edit. Scroll down to the Product data section and click on the Attributes tab.

Step 2: Add and Configure Attributes

Click on Add to add a new attribute. Select the attribute you want to assign from the dropdown menu and check the Visible on the product page box if you want the attribute to be displayed on the product’s front end. Then, select the values for this attribute from the dropdown menu or add new terms if they don’t already exist.

Benefits of Using Product Attributes

Using product attributes comes with multiple benefits:

  • Improved Customer Experience: Customers can filter products based on attributes, making it easier to find what they need.
  • Enhanced SEO: Attributes help search engines understand your product catalog better, potentially improving your search rankings.
  • Better Analytics: Track which attributes are most popular among customers to fine-tune your inventory.


Creating and managing product attributes in WooCommerce is crucial for running an organized and customer-friendly online store. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily set up and manage your product attributes to streamline your inventory and improve the shopping experience for your customers.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us.